How Immune System Fights Against Viruses

Estimated read time 3 min read

At first, nobody is immune to viruses. You can get viruses from anything, like opening a door and immediately rubbing your eyes, without knowing that the doorknob is covered in the cold virus. You can also eat contaminated food and get an unwanted guest in your body.

What happens next is that your immune system comes to the rescue. Think of it like many specialized agents ready to fight bacteria, viruses, or fungi immediately.

White Blood Cells

Germs are everywhere, and they can easily infect you. Germs can enter your body through a cut on your finger or on something you eat or touch. When they infect the host, they immediately start to breed. It will make you feel tired and sick. It will immediately alert your immune system and put it to work.

This then sends your blood white cells to eliminate the threat. They usually have a short lifespan, so your body constantly produces more to keep you safe. White blood cells typically start their job from the marrow and move around your body.

When they spot the virus, they latch onto it and try to absorb or destroy it. To do so, they need to produce antibodies. What makes your immune system stronger is experience. The first time your body encounters a virus, you will get better slower. It takes more time for the white cells to produce antibodies because they need to learn about the virus.

When you encounter the virus the second time, your immune system will be familiar with the virus code and destroy it faster. In return, you will have a faster recovery time.

Lymphatic System

White blood cells travel through your body through the lymphatic system. It’s basically like a highway, providing fast and safe passage for your tiny warriors. Your lymph nodes are small glands in your neck, groin, and armpits. They are usually swollen when you are sick, which means your body works to eliminate the infection.


When you are sick from a virus, you usually suffer from sore throats, coughs, acute sinusitis, and many other symptoms. Most viral infections go away by themselves, meaning your immune system can fight them by itself. However, different diseases require proper treatment to get cured.

For example, to get rid of Covid19, people were given vaccinations. Sometimes the immune system needs a little backup to fight off viral infections. Antibiotics and other types of drugs were discovered with the help of clinical trials. For example, Hera Biolabs uses advanced technology to provide services to speed up the process of drug trials and drug development.

Vaccines must undergo clinical trials before they are safe for the general public. They are usually created to fight off viruses. However, they are not the ones that kill the virus. Instead, they make your immune system produce antibodies because they can recognize the virus before it kicks in. As a result, vaccines help prevent the annual flu.

Overall, our bodies have an excellent defense system. For example, our immune system is smart enough to deploy white blood cells when needed and create antibodies to fight viruses.

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