Keep Stomach Ailments At Bay This Summer, Here’s How

Estimated read time 4 min read

Summers in India are humid, and as the temperature rises, so does the number of digestive problems. Gastroenteritis, heartburn, constipation, and irritable bowel syndrome are some of the more common digestive or gastrointestinal disorders. Symptoms such as stomach cramps, diarrhoea, vomiting, and bloating of the stomach are common. As the temperature increases, it affects our immunity and digestion, resulting in these issues. As a result, it is important to maintain healthy eating habits throughout the summer months. There are a few tips to keep your stomach healthy this summer.

One must remember these are just simple  ways to avoid such complications, but if they get severe, it is mandatory that you visit a doctor. In case of extreme scenarios, it is advisable to have a reliable health insurance plan to support your financial needs. Bajaj health insurance is among the best health insurance providers, to help you during difficult times.

  1. Hydration

90 percent of ailments can be avoided by drinking plenty of water.Thefiber present in your body draws the water into your colon, which the stools move through more quickly without creating fissures or piles.  The body loses a lot of water due to excessive sweating, especially in summer. It might be a good idea to have a bottle with you at all times, so you can replenish the lost water from time to time.

Ideally, you should consume at least 2  liters of water everyday. Water-based drinks such as freshly made fruit juices and coconut water are also good, and help you in keeping cool.

  1. Fibre intake and probiotics

Having high-fiber, whole-grain, vegetable, legume, and fruit-rich foods in your diet will help to strengthen your digestive system. Constipation, which is a leading cause of fissure, can be avoided by eating a high-fiber diet.

 Probiotics are excellent for your stomach as well. The best source of probiotics is yogurt. It’s high in proteins and bacteria, making digestion faster and healthier.

  1. Avoid fatty, fried and super-spicy food

Fatty foods have a tendency to slow down the digestive process. Over the summer, it is best to limit your consumption of fatty foods. Avoid thick, fatty snacks because they take longer to digest and can cause heartburn, which causes stomach inflammation.

  1. Caffeine and sugar

Cold beverages with high sugar content, such as energy drinks, canned fruit juices, and soda, are not ideal for the summer sun. Caffeine is commonly present in coffee and carbonated beverages. Caffeine and sugar consumption in excess can cause digestive issues such as stomach ulcers, acidity, and heartburn.

  1. Dairy products 

While cold milk can provide temporary relief, once consumed, the milk heats up the body. The same can be said for dairy products such as butter, cheese, and even ice cream. Stomach problems are caused by the heat produced by these dairy products.

  1. Light exercise

Yoga, brisk walking, and running are recommended for people of all ages and genders. Physical exercise of some type aids digestion and decreases tension, all of which help to relieve abdominal pain.


Our bodies take their time acclimating to the shift as the temperatures rise, and our immunity starts to drop at this stage. As a result, it is important that we take the requisite steps in terms of our diet and nutrition in order to avoid any negative health effects.

As mentioned before, seeking medical care if the symptoms get severe is of the utmost importance, and having health insurance takes the stress of medical bills off your head. Take a look at Bajaj health insurance, and you will find one to suit your needs the best.

Many people avoid health insurance in lieu of high premiums. To help you ease your worry, bajaj health insurance provides a health insurance premium calculator that lets you see the premium will pay and helps you make the right choice.

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