Family First: An Inclusive Financial Planning Approach

Estimated read time 3 min read

Financial planning is a hard road to walk but at the end of the day, it is an extremely rewarding one. And this does not just apply to you, but it also applies to your family. Especially if your family is dependent on you, anything you do with the money you earn affects them as well.

Once you have a family, you go from spending for yourself to spending for another set of people. The same applies to making savings.Personal financial planning meanssaving money to ultimately have enough funds for retirement. On the other hand, when you take a family approach to financial planning, you must think about medical expenses, college expenses for your kids, owning a house, etc. 

How financial planning for your family works?

Now, even though the approach of the financial planning is about your family, the responsibility usually falls only on the person earning in the house. Hence, there is often no discussion about how you should go about making a smart money plan. This often leaves you without any help and keeps you going through a process of trial and error. However, when it comes to money, you cannot make too many mistakes and you may not get a lot of chances to correct your mistakes.

The best approach to any kind of financial planning is to make the right investments.  Hence, you need to make the right investment to strengthen your family’s finances. Here are few investments you can consider:


If you wish to make good money for you and your family, equities are your best friend. You should look into equities that have a good track record in performance and can offer higher returns. If you are someone that is willing to invest and let your money be for the long term, you should seek out equities that can provide you with returns that can beat current and future inflation. 

Mutual funds

Even if you are not familiar with investment markets, mutual funds are common across mainstream society. Hence, it is a perfect option of investment when you are starting out. You can choose from a plethora of equity or debt based mutual funds schemes. You can also choose a shorter or longer term for you scheme based on your financial plan.Investing in mutual funds not only offers higher returns than traditional options but also provides ease of diversification.

Senior citizen focused investments

Being an earning member of the family, especially being the only one, means that you have to lookout for both your kids and your parents. Hence, apart from the regular investments your make, there should be a separate investment dedicated to the senior citizens of your family. For this you can look into more traditional investment options that provide a regular cash flow. This could include interest pay-outs on investments, fixed deposits, bank deposits, etc.


One of the best ways to save money to avoid spending it. This means reducing expenses wherever you can. Now, what bigger expense would you have that medical bills for you and your family. Hence, to avoid this expense, you should have a good health insurance plan. Even if getting good coverage costs more money than you thought it would, buy the plan. While it may be hurting your pocket right now, it will save you from so many other expenses in the future. That is, in every sense of the word, an investment cover for the entire family. Happy investing!


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