What is Classroom Training and What Are The Advantages?

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Although technology based training is taking the foreground in every school and is also becoming very popular, most training experts out there agree that it cannot ever replace how a classroom training set up should be.
Currently, an overwhelming number of companies are out there who use classroom training along with an increasing amount of training that is technology-based like computer based learning and e-learning. Right now there are numerous methods, techniques, training aids and activities that are out there to create successful and meaningful training sessions for classrooms.

What kind of training are you using at your sivasoft company? Do any of your supervisors know the disadvantages and advantages associated with different kinds of training that you use?

Pros of classroom training

Like most other forms of training, this training also has numerous pros and cons. The pros associated with classroom training include:

1. Classroom training allows you to help and teach the employees in a quiet, safe and clean environment that away from the hustle bustle of the work area.
2. The training groups for classroom learning can be either small or can be large as well. The environment of the classroom provides a very important element of human touch which is often missing when it comes to training sessions based on technology. This further allows you to teach employees in a quiet, clean and safe environment which is away from the pressures and noise of the work area. The training groups at hand can be small or large and the environment provides a very important human touch which is missing most of the time when it comes to technology based training sessions.
3. Group interaction always enhances learning. It is up to the employee to learn from each other as well as from the trainer himself. This group setting also goes on to teach the employees as to how they can interact with each other in a completely cooperative, productive and professional way which is something that numerous forms of training actually don’t provide people with. Yes, a person can have the time to train supervisors and managers with a good budget with doing it with risk and no cost.

What are the disadvantages of classroom training?

● You have to sometimes pull out employees from jobs that often cuts into production schedules and work time. It is often actually very hard to schedule this kind of training especially for the workers who work nightshifts. Even though the classroom environment is safe, quiet and conducive, it is also removed completely from learning about processes, materials and equipments that employees actually need to use on the job.
● Lack of a good amount of hands on experience. Most if the employees don’t get to work with the equipments in the place where they are supposed to.

Always make sure that your trainers are as effective as they can be in the possible sivasoft reviews classroom sessions. Are these people taking advantage or are they minimizing the disadvantages related to classroom training? Find out and make the experience fruitful.

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