Add Digital Signature to Your Educational System Right Now

Estimated read time 5 min read

Whether it be a school, a college, or a university, any type of educational institute makes high use of paper. A recent survey showed that most teachers and professors spend more than 10 hours every week, dealing with paperwork and documents. This increases the complexity of the task and takes a long time, which can cause stress and put unnecessary pressure on the teachers.

Teachers are vital to running any educational institute, and most of the stress on them can be reduced by implementing new state-of-the-art technologies. Adopting a digital signature software and going paperless is something every institution should do. Most of the time-consuming work related to documents and paperwork can be avoided through this.

In the following blog, we will learn about how to use this technology efficiently and the benefits it will have for an education system. By taking the right steps, you can integrate digital signatures into your workflow and go paperless.

  • Digital signatures are quite affordable

Not every educational institute has the same financial power, and it can be difficult or some to upgrade to the latest technology and software. One thing to note is that schools and colleges spend a lot of money on paper every year. Depending on the number of students and staff, the amount of paper required varies, and it takes a lot of money to buy it.

Studies show that a university spends between $50,000 to $200,000 every year, on an average, to cope with its paper requirements. If you make use of an E-Signature software, it will save you a lot of time and effort.

You can get a subscription for around $5 to $10 for a month, which is quite affordable for anyone. A one-year subscription of a digital signature software is far cheaper than buying paper for a year, which is perfect for educational institutions.

  • You can easily integrate the technology to your institution

If you are new to using digital signatures, there is no need to panic as it is relatively easy and straightforward to integrate the technology into your work system. Most of the popular software have public APIs and simple documentation that can easily be integrated with most websites, applications, and other services.

Once you get the hang of using the technology, all your work will become easier. There is no need to deal with complicated paperwork anymore, and the saved energy can be put to fruitful use. Use the digital signature software to upload documents easily, add fields, view reports and results, send out documents for signatures, and much more.

The best thing is that you can use technology easily with Microsoft, Salesforce, Oracle, and countless other applications and websites using its integrations.

  • E-Signatures are safe and legal to use

When making the switch to digital signatures, most of the people are worried about its safety and confidentiality. The technology has come far since its beginning, and a lot of steps are taken to ensure the privacy, safety, originality, and protection of sensitive documents and information.

All good softwares comply with HIPAA and ESIGN Act rules and regulations that make digital documents and signatures legal and law-abiding. Multi-layer encryption and algorithms protect the documents and catch any attempts of cheating and forgery.

All documents have a unique number for identification, and extra security can be added by using passwords. Check the audit report to see the history of people who edited any document or made signatures. You can even see the time and the device used for making these edits and alterations.

  • You will save considerable time and energy

Most of the daily workflow at an educational institution involves a lot of paperwork. Assignments, tests, forms, etc. everything uses paper. Scanning, printing, faxing, mailing, signing, etc. require paper, time, and effort. When you use a good paid or free electronic signature software, you can save around 10 minutes to 2 hours for each of these tasks.

When teachers save energy, it can be used for other productive work. They can teach and conduct classes with more enthusiasm and passion. It gives them more time to interact with the students, clear their doubts, and share more time with them.

Another advantage is that paper documents can easily be lost or misplaced. Almost all organizations suffer from this and spend countless hours every year to find lost stuff. When you go paperless, you won’t have to deal with this as all your essential documentation will be stored online safely.

  • E-Signature software’s are very simple to use

Most of the good electronic signature software is easy to understand and use by anyone. The user-friendly interface does not need special training to operate. Just watch a simple tutorial to get the hang of things and get started. For school and college teachers, a variety of features make life easy.

The admin can easily add, remove, or edit documents. Create timesheets, reports and results, schedules, worksheets, forms, tests, applications, letters, and other school-related things. The admin can authorize other members to view and add documents.

These innovative and efficient features are best suited for teachers, and even students can take many advantages from it. One can easily access important stuff online through their device without the need to visit one’s school or college. All essential electronic signature in word can be made from the comfort of your home.


Technology has come a long way in today’s world, and institutions in all fields are getting used to it. Educational institutions do a lot of work that involves paperwork, signatures, and documentation. To save time and money and reduce the amount of pressure on teachers and other staff, it is advisable to switch to a reliable digital signature software.

In the above article, we read about its various benefits to educational systems and how it helps teachers and students both. Going paperless should be a standard in today’s education system, and if you haven’t adopted the technology yet, you should as soon as possible.

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